  秀傳醫院 x 比翼加速器.DemoDay

以生技醫療照護為關注重點的比翼加速器 (BE Accelerator),與重量級醫療院所 - 台灣秀傳醫療體系之彰濱秀傳紀念醫院、秀傳亞洲遠距微創手術中心 (IRCAD) 展開合作,共同孵育加速的十間生物科技與醫療照護領域的新創公司,在這次活動中將與法國醫療領域專家登上舞台,與您一起見證 2020 新世代的醫療科技,都在「秀傳醫院 x 比翼加速器 | DemoDay」。

為什麼要參與 秀傳醫院 x 比翼加速器 | DemoDay

- 了解醫療科技創業生態圈及創新議題

- 接觸各界投資人及產業嘉賓交流合作

- 學習頂尖創業公司商業模式激發靈感

  • 日期:2020 年 9 月 5 日(六)
  • 時間13:30 - 17:30 
    (13:00 開放入場交流、13:30 活動正式開始)
  • 地點三創數位生活園區 12 樓 
    (台北市中正區市民大道三段 2 號,鄰近捷運忠孝新生站一號出口)
  • 活動流程

13:00 - 13:30 | 開放入場 / 自由交流
13:30 - 13:40 | 開場致詞 Opening
13:40 - 13:45 | 秀傳致詞 SC Speech
13:45 - 13:50 | 比翼致詞 BE Speech
13:50 - 14:30 | 知名講者對談 Panel Discussion
14:30 - 15:00 | 新創公司分享 Pitch (3 startups)
15:00 - 15:20 | 中場休息 Break
15:20 - 16:20 | 新創公司分享 Pitch (6 startups)
16:20 - 16:30 | 合作醫師群感謝致詞
16:30 - 16:40 | 結尾致詞 Closing
16:40 - 17:30 | 自由交流



關於 登台創業公司

BRAXX 貝克生醫
Wellgen 威捷生物醫學
Bosomeer 嘉存生醫
MatrixLabs 邁磊醫療器材
Golden Age 黃金時代
De novo 谷盺生物科技

關於 比翼加速器

BE Accelerator is a startup accelerator and venture builder that focuses exclusively on Healthtech and Medtech. Based in Taipei, Taiwan we leverage the unique strengths of our ecosystem to position the accelerator as the gateway to Asia for both local and international startups. Considering the complex nature of healthcare, it has traditionally been an innovation adverse industry due to the associated risks of failure. However, BE has set out to remedy this situation with our unparalleled access to hospital facilities, research institutes, investors, healthcare experts and other industry stakeholders. We have come to learn and appreciate that the healthcare industry is unlike any other, thus we provide our startups with access to the resources they require to succeed namely capital, talent and time.

關於 台灣秀傳醫療體系之彰濱秀傳紀念醫院

Showchwan health care systems is the largest privately-owned hospital group in Taiwan, with 10 hospitals, over 3,700 beds, and 6,000 employees.  Innovation and patient-oriented service has always been its core values since founded in 1973 by Dr. Min-ho Huang.  Its mission is to offer leading-edge technology and services to under-served areas.  In addition to tertiary medical services, it also has facilities catering to elderly, maternal health, and  comprehensiv cancer care.

關於 秀傳亞洲遠距微創手術中心 (IRCAD)

Originated from the Ircad located in Strasbourg, France, it is the  largest and most advanced minimally invasive training center in Asia.  Established since 2008,  it has trained over 12,000 physicians from over 80 countries, running close to 100 workshops annually.  In  addition to surgical training, it also boasts an advanced research center as well as an incubation center for medical start-ups.  It is the perfect hub for innovations.  Located in Lugang Industrial Park, in the center of Taiwan, it is an ideal center with many resources necessary for the success of med-tech start-ups.

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地址:115 台北市南港區忠孝東路七段508號9樓 電話:(02)2655-8168 傳真:(02)2655-7978